It's Yarn Advent Calendar Time Again in the Shop!
The Yarn Advent Calendar season is in full swing in the shop! This will be our 4th year offering Advent Calendars and I couldn't be more excited!
Yarn advent calendars typically consist of twenty four 20g mini skeins as well as one 100g skein of yarn. All of the skeins are individually dyed and are one of a kind colorways dyed according to the theme of the calendar.
This year's Little Bishes Stitches yarn advent calendar theme is inspired by #EVENINGART, a running curation of artworks from artists local and international via @lilbishesstitches_yarn Instagram stories. Each evening a piece of art work is posted that not only evokes emotion in me but also inspires me creatively. For this year's advent calendar, twenty five one of a kind colorways will be dyed with inspiration from twenty five works of art from the #EVENINGART series, hand picked by me! This series can be viewed in @lilbishesstitches_yarn profile on Instagram.
A lot of love goes into the planning of our advent calendars! Their theme is always something that is special to me and reflective of my yarn dying process. The theme of an advent calendar creates a feeling as well as an experience for the maker, which also initiates a celebration of the holiday season!
A lot of thought also goes into choosing a yarn base for the advent calendar. This year I decided to also offer an Blue Faced Leicester sock base for the twenty four 20g mini skeins as well as the 100g skein. Our BFL base is the perfect base for the holiday season, as it has more of a woolly feeling in comparison to our Soft Sock base.
In addition to choosing a yarn base, there is a lot of care that goes into the details and fine tuning in regard to the packaging and extras included in a yarn advent calendar. All of my extras are curated with inspiration from the theme of the advent calendar!
After the details have been finalized the mini skeins are individually hand dyed, washed, dried, wound, individually wrapped and placed into start position for their big day, Dec. 1st. Every year, after I have handed over the last package of advent calendars at the post office, I have an incredible feeling of gratitude and always look forward to the next year's advent calendar!
What can I do with my Yarn Advent Calendar?
You can knit or crochet almost anything with your calendar. In fact most use their calendars to knit scrappy blankets which can be quite a cozy note for the winter and holiday season. Patterns can be readily found on @ravelry and there is a even forum where the newest advent calendar patterns are listed. Last year Little Bishes Stitches also had a Mystery Advent Cowl available on Ravelry for purchase. This simple color work pattern was designed just for our 2021 Yarn Advent Calendar. All of the clues have been updated and any color scheme ie advent calendar can be used for this pattern.